THE Photonics Innovation Award in honor of Federico Capasso
The Photonics Innovation Award is a new prize of €4000 from the Nanophotonics journal. The award recognizes important achievements at the interface of science and technology in the field of photonics. Nominees should have produced outstanding research leading to new technology, leveraged creative and scientific insights to create real technologies or showed the potential to build a new technology. The Photonics Innovation Award has been created to honor the innovative contributions of Federico Capasso to the field of photonics, working at the interface of science and technology. Nominate using the nomination form. |
About the Award The award will be announced each year on June 24th (the birthday of Federico Capasso) starting with the first award in June 2025. Next closing date: 28th February 2025 Nominees should have received their PhD in the 10 years prior to the award date. To nominate, complete the nomination form. You will need to provide: 1. Nominee’s name, institutional affiliation and email address. 2. A 600 word statement describing the work and achievements the nominee is being nominated for, with an emphasis on outstanding scientific research leading to new technology. 3. Nominee's CV, listing education, patents, awards, honors, activities, publications, reports, product releases and other relevant achievements. 4. Three references. 5. Additional supporting documents such as patents, publications, reports, product releases, etc. are welcomed. All materials should support the work for which the nominee is being nominated. Nominee Requirements 1. Nominees do not need to have published research in Nanophotonics. 2. This award is presented to an individual; joint nominations are not permitted. 3. The individual should not have been the recipient of a Nanophotonics award within the past two years. 4. Self-nomination is not permitted. Awarding committee The awarding committee of 3 to 5 of leading scientists in the field of photonics will change every 4 years. Committee members are not necessarily associated with the journal, and will consist of outstanding scientists in optics and photonics. |