Congratulations to the best presentation award winners!

ByungHo Kang, Water-Floated Nanostructure as an innovative Nano Transfer Technique to Curved Surface and its Application: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
Hyojung Kang, Tunable Optical Properties via Anisotropic Gold/Iron Oxide Nanohybrids
WooSeok Lee, Precise Sheet Resistance Determination in Short-Channel IGZO Transistors using the Gated Van der Pauw Technique
Hyeonbin Im, Volumetric Cylindrical Display on Anisotropic Reflective Screen
Kitae Kim, Multi-Factor Physical Unclonable Functions using Micro-Wrinkles
Jihwan Ha, Wearable Colorimetric Sweat pH Sensor Based Smart Textile for Cystic Fibrosis Monitoring